If you make a payment using a credit card, the charge will not be processed until the cryptocurrency transaction has been successfully completed. In the event that an issue arises during the transaction, any temporary charges placed on your card or account will be automatically reversed.
What to Do if Your Transaction Is Delayed
If you are waiting longer than expected for your crypto, you can check the status of your transaction using the link sent to you via email (if supported by the onramp you used). The transaction tracker will provide you with real-time updates and let you know if any additional steps are needed. It will also notify you if your payment method has been declined for any reason, which could result in a failed order.
Keep in mind that it’s not uncommon for certain transactions, particularly those made with credit cards, to take a few hours to process. While waiting, rest assured that any temporary charges will be reversed automatically if the transaction doesn’t go through.
Understanding Onramper’s Role
Onramper acts as a fiat-to-crypto aggregator that helps you find the right onramp for your transaction. However, we do not handle the payment process or manage the transfer of crypto. If you encounter any issues or need additional assistance, it’s best to reach out to the support team of the onramp you used. Their contact information is available in the transaction confirmation email you received. If you can’t locate the email, you can find links to onramp support departments here.